Setting Multiple Parameter - List Help

I have a script that is working with no errors, but it is not outputting the correct info in the correct locations.

I am wanting to grab info from the curtain walls and send them to an Assembly Parameters. Everything seems like it is working like it should, but the info is not correct or in the correct place.

Here is the end of the script where the lists are being fed into the set parameter node. I’ll put a link to the script below.

You can see here how the info looked in Revit.


I cant quite remember but try list @l2 on both value and parameter name.

You can get it it work like this but its a level and lacing issue i think

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Thanks for the reply, I had tried using levels but didn’t think to use levels on parameter name. Setting both of those to @2 and changing lacing to longest did the trick .

I did have to edit some of the nodes earlier in the script when I tried running it on my entire project, but I did get it to work.

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