Write to multiple elements and parameters with one Element.SetParameterByName node?

Hello forum!

I have two lists, each one containing sublists which all are of equal length to the corresponding index of the other list. One list contain parameter names and the other the value I want to write to that parameter.

Both lists are 27 in length and each index correspond to a list of rooms.

I have been sucessful in writing data to the model, but several rooms has recieved wrong or too much information from the Value-list.

I’ve been trying my best but cant seem to find out how to do it correctly. I guess I could split the lists and use multiple Element.SetParameterByName nodes - but I want the script to work on several models, regarding of number of rooms or parameters.

I would much appreciate if anyone could help :slight_smile:

@Viktor ,

you mean like this?


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Yes sort of, but this does not work if the amount of parameters changes per room?

Wouldnt somethng like this work? where you write all parameters you use for rooms on a code block and then just select which room you want to take data from (or wherever you want the in data from) and then select which rooms its going to? note to get the data right you need to select in order with this approch here but if you sort the list so they are right before hand.

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@Draxl_Andreas @stefan.gokstorp
Both of you were right, I made it harder than it was - all I had to do was wire the nodes straight into the setParameter node, no need for list.map regardless of the wierd list structure😅

Thanks for answering and sorry for the dumb question!!

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