SetParameterByName outputs incorrect result

I must be missing something but I’m simply trying to update the Comments parameter on Walls with a list of text values. The update is successful except the text values are mixed. I’m using Revit 2022 and Dynamo 2.12.1. I’ve tried changing levels with no success. Must be something obvious. Thanks.

Hi @Joe_Walton

Have you tried this:

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Yes I’ve tried that and many other combinations of level selection. I have found it works for small lists but not larger lists. Thanks for responding.


Here’s what I get with 3 and 3 elements. I can’t seem to replicate your result even with six elements. It’s appears that my SetParameterByName node is failing. Since it’s a system node I can’t see the Python code. I have replaced the node but get the same results. Not sure what else to try. Perhaps download a new version of Dynamo. Any suggestions?

I dont know the answer to your problem sorry but i do think the others who know are going to ask.

-Revit version
-dynamo version

And by the look of it be prepared for a statement containing something about unsupported version…

Thanks Max I think you are right.

Feels like we aren’t getting the full context of what is happening with the graph, and that the issue is somewhere before this.

By the looks of it, element IDs appear in multiple sublists. And you are setting the value for these elements repeatedly as a result.

What I mean by this, you can see the same elements in sublist 1 (getting assigned A) and sublist 2 (getting assigned B, after the sublist for A is processed). As the parameter can only have one value, the last value used gets set.


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Thanks Jacob for noticing the duplicates. The wall ids should not be duplicates so I never thought of that possibility and that is clearly the problem. I knew it was something simple but sometimes you are too close to the problem to see it. I appreciate your help. This problem is s solved. Here’s a graph of it.

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