Set the top of wall according to the bottom of structure floor from linked structural model

hi all
i try to set the top of wall according to the bottom of structure floor from linked structural model i can get the intersected wall with floor but what can’t get is the floor which intersected with the wall
i need this floor to get its thickness
any help

set the top of wall according to the bottom of structure floor from linked structural model.dyn (55.9 KB)

Hi Ahmed,

Error is expecting LinkElement so use LinkElement.ofcategory node to get LinkElement:

Thanks @Kulkul for your reply
My issue is to get the intersected floor with wall , I need to get it so I can get its thickness and subtract the thickness from the height of the wall , the main problem for me that I have different thickness of floor and I cant’t mapping between the floor and the walls

My issue is I get empty list :cry::cry::cry:

You should use the nodes which i showed you above. Your input should LinkElement(Wall) currently you’re connecting as Revit.Elements…