Set ProfileView Band profile 1 or profile 2 to new profile


can I use Python to set profile 1 or profile 2 in ProfileView Band to new value using Python?

I tried this:

myProfViewBands = profView.Bands
myProfViewBandsBottomItems = myProfViewBands.GetBottomBandItems()[0]
myProfViewBandsBottomItemsTest1 = myProfViewBands.GetBottomBandItems()[0].Profile1Id = newProfileid

I changed id in Dynamo
but not in Civil 3D in profile view properties

Did you ever find a way to do this with Python?
would be great to be able too

Hi @Drbohlav,

Bumping this thread.
This seems to be a key component to speed up the tedious and repetitive task of editing databands.

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Hi All

Did anyone make any progress on this?

Would be very useful

Si no me equivoco, esta resulto en una instrucción en Visual. Basic

Looking at this it may help you



No creo que lo que indicas resuelve el tema, he visto esto en Visual Basic


write in english
The post is for changing the profile
Not addition

ok, no, the post refers to being able to change the one with a single click in all the profile views at least one profile such as the design one

Back in the day (as python and dynamo newbie, so it is messy) I was experimenting with this without succes.
I remember it ran without warnings, but it did not set the profiles as it should have, and it made the profile views buggy as well. All show label ticks disappeared for some reason, thus the show label part in the code, but after the first run the views got buddy and the labels always disappeared. So here’s that code, but use it at your own risk:

# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr

# Add Assemblies for AutoCAD and Civil3D

# Import references from AutoCAD
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry import *

# Import references from Civil3D
from Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices import *
from Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices import *
from Autodesk.Civil import *

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
dataEnteringNode = IN

adoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
editor = adoc.Editor
civdoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument

def switch_bandset(pv,bandset,n,pp,sp):
	global adoc
	# Get the active document in the AutoCAD session:
	with adoc.LockDocument():
		with adoc.Database as db:
			with db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() as t:
				#band set
				if bandset == 1:
					bs = civdoc.Styles.ProfileViewBandSetStyles["UNI_hsz_F&L_út+geotech"]
				elif bandset == 2:
					bs = civdoc.Styles.ProfileViewBandSetStyles["UNI_D_hsz"]
				elif bandset == 3:
					bs = civdoc.Styles.ProfileViewBandSetStyles["UNI_hsz_F&L_út+víz+geotech"]
				elif bandset == 4:
					bs = civdoc.Styles.ProfileViewBandSetStyles["UNI_hsz_F&LL_út+víz2+geotech"]
					print("Nincs ilyen típus")
				for i in range(0,n):
						# Get profileview id
						pvId = pv[i].InternalObjectId
						# Get profileID Proposed
						ppId = pp[i].InternalObjectId
						# Get profileID Surface
						spId = sp[i].InternalObjectId
						# Open Profileview
						pvo = pvId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)
						# Open and import Bands
						pvbs = pvo.Bands
						# Set BandItem properties
						pvbsi = pvbs.GetBottomBandItems()
						pvtsi = pvbs.GetTopBandItems()						
						pvbsc = pvbsi.Count
						pvbscc = pvbsc-1
						for k in range(0,pvbscc):
							pvbsii = pvbsi.Item[k]
							pvbsii.ShowLabels = True
						pvbsipr = pvbsi.Item [0]
						pvbsipr.Profile1Id = ppId
						pvbsiex = pvbsi.Item [1]	
						pvbsiex.Profile1Id = spId
						pvbsi = pvbs.GetBottomBandItems()
						pvtsi = pvbs.GetTopBandItems()

	return pvtsi

pv = IN[0]
bandset = IN[1]
n = IN[2]
pp = IN[3]
sp = IN[4]

OUT = switch_bandset(pv,bandset,n,pp,sp)
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Oh thanks, maybe I try this again some time, I guess I missed the last step.
After changin the profile, the bandset should be set :open_mouth:

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Looking at this

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And see this

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Had this problem for ages and finally got a working solution, really wish it hadnt been this complicated, but hopefully it helps others on the path :slight_smile:

# Add references to the required dlls

# Import references from AutoCAD
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices import *

# Import references from Civil3D
from Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices import *
from Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices import *

# Function to find a profile by name within an alignment
def find_profile_by_name(alignment, profile_name, trans):
    for prof_id in alignment.GetProfileIds():
        profile = trans.GetObject(prof_id, OpenMode.ForRead)
        if profile.Name == profile_name:
            return prof_id
    return None

# Get the current document and the civil document
adoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
civdoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument

# Get input values from Dynamo
alignmentNames = IN[0]
profile1Names = IN[1]
profile2Names = IN[2]

# Initialize the output variables
debugMessages = []  # List to collect debug messages
results = []  # List to collect results

# Start a transaction
with adoc.LockDocument():
    with adoc.Database as db:
        with db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() as t:
            debugMessages.append("Starting transaction...")
            for alignmentName, profile1Name, profile2Name in zip(alignmentNames, profile1Names, profile2Names):
                debugMessages.append(f"Processing alignment: {alignmentName}")
                # Find the alignment by the input name
                alignmentId = None
                for oid in civdoc.GetAlignmentIds():
                    align = t.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForRead)
                    if align.Name == alignmentName:
                        alignmentId = oid
                        debugMessages.append(f"Alignment '{alignmentName}' found.")
                if alignmentId is None:
                    debugMessages.append(f"Alignment '{alignmentName}' not found.")
                    alignment = t.GetObject(alignmentId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                    # Find the profiles by their input names within the found alignment
                    profile1Id = find_profile_by_name(alignment, profile1Name, t)
                    profile2Id = find_profile_by_name(alignment, profile2Name, t)
                    debugMessages.append(f"Found profile1Id: {profile1Id}")
                    debugMessages.append(f"Found profile2Id: {profile2Id}")
                    # Get the profile view associated with the alignment
                    profileViewId = alignment.GetProfileViewIds()[0]  # Assuming first profile view
                    profileView = t.GetObject(profileViewId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
                    debugMessages.append(f"Profile view associated with alignment '{alignmentName}' found.")
                    # Access and modify the band items
                    bottomBandItems = profileView.Bands.GetBottomBandItems()
                    for bandItem in bottomBandItems:
                        bandItem.Profile1Id = profile1Id
                        bandItem.Profile2Id = profile2Id
                        bandItem.ShowLabels = True  # Ensure labels are shown
                    # Set the band items back to the profile view
                    debugMessages.append("Updated band items and ensured labels are shown for the profile view.")
                    results.append((profile1Id, profile2Id))

            # Commit the transaction to apply changes
            debugMessages.append("Transaction committed.")

# Assign the results to the OUT variable
OUT = (results, debugMessages)

Thanks @kelvin.j for sharing

Unfortunately, when I try to use the python script I got the following:

Can you help? Do we need to use the alignment and profiles itself or just their name string?

Looks like that Python code is built to iterate over matching depth lists, but you’re providing single objects. Either edit the code to ensure a list is provided for each input variable or use a three List.Create nodes before the Python node (one for each input).

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