Set parameter for family type

Good day everyone,
I’m trying to assign parameter value to family type with element.setparameterbyname but it’s wont work. Could you help me solve this.
In the picture I try to assign 3 family type in the same family. This is project environment though.

Later I want assign parameter to assign 10 family, each family have 3 family type.

what is the error. its look like worked!

Hi @truongtung8197,
Try using the longest lacing at the last node, ‘SetParameterByName,’ and set the element to L1.

It’s seem working on dynamo, but it’s don’t change the parameter in revit

Thanks, but it’s still not working. I have try every level combination in node “SetParameterByName”. I wonder is this problem from my data list or not

Could share one sample file along with dynamo script. So that we can review.

hi @truongtung8197 ,
Add some nodes as mentioned in the image …

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Looks like a lacing issue. Think you want the lacing to be L1, L1, and L2 with longest lacing. I’ll double check later if that doesn’t work for you.

Isn’t this :point_down: the issue?


Shouldn’t it be like this :point_down:?

And the data (Parameters Values) should have the same structure.

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Thank you, everyone! I’ve finally finished it. With the help of @sjafarali75 and @bvs1982 , I’ve identified that the issue was with my list structure. Here’s my solution for anyone new who might need it.

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