I am duplicating family types and trying to set the parameters using a excel sheet. It works for all the normal parameters (Dimensions, yes/no) but not for de Family Type Parameter.
The families in the red cirkel are the families i want as the parameter value in that order. In that order because the first family parameter should be put on the first family type and etc. The final node does not recognize the string list values.
Ive tried making a list of families, but then the final node only recognizes the first family in the list and puts that one on all 4 duplicates. Please help me… :x
Ive tried making a list of families, but then the final node only recognizes the first family in the list and puts that one on all 4 duplicates. Please help me…
it sounds like Level problem
Have you already tried adjusting the levels? (L1)
Thanx for your reply @Nico_Stegeman . The ParameterName gets the name of the familytype parameter i want to change (converted to a string). I have tried the levels and it worked ! But … then another problem accured.
I get this (see below) warning when using the script. Does the script work for you when trying it with a FamilyTypeParameter ?
Looking at that last image I wonder whether this is actually a Dynamo issue, have you tried to change the parameter within revit itself? If so: did that work?
If the nested family is Shared and listed in the Project Browser under Families then you should be able to access it using the Family Types node
Otherwise, you will first need to check Shared in Family Categories and Parameters (in the Create tab) in the relevant Family file and reload it into the project.