Select/ Pick multi sheets on Revit by Dynamo

I’d like to select some sheet elements by clicking on the left of mouse like “Select Model Elements-Node”, but I don’t know any nodes that can work this?
Hope receive lots of your sharing!

Hi @hainhanxd

There are many ways to pick sheets. Could you describe more why your looking to pick sheets? What is your end goal?

Hi Kulkul,
I’d like to modify its parameter value.It will be more convenient for user than inputting information to filter sheets they need by keyboard. They just specify desired sheets and quickly step to process its value.

Here is one method that I like to use:


Thanks a lots Einar :blush:

Hi @hainhanxd ,
@Einar_Raknes 's solution is perfect. But since you’re talking about user experience, another aproach would be to use Data-Shapes, especially if you’re working on 2017.1 or later and can use the player :


Thanks your sweet reply. I’m combing data-shape on this way

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I usually have to work with a ton of sheets split into multiple disciplines and buildings and selecting them through Revit or a UI is a challenge, either because of the browser organization or because of their sheer numbers.

This is why I originally added this simple node to springs:

The sheet number should ideally reflects all the relevant discipline info and the series (1000s, 2000s, 3000s) should reflect the level or building. So, by searching for the right term, I can easily filter all relevant sheets.

And if you set lacing to longest, Dynamo will divide the sheets into sub-lists for you:

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Thanks a lot your sharing @Dimitar_Venkov. This will be mark and a rewarding experience for me :wink:


I run this script but I can see only one sheet in sheet list

Use Categories and All Elements of Category.

Thanks Nick, It works fine for me.

Dear Einar,
How do i get the node Tool.GetRevitSelection? Could you give the name of package?

Steam nodes it seems (please take a look at the picture again)

Thank you so much. I have seen it. Sorry for my carelessness :slight_smile:

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