Select Elements on Screen - Fill out Parameter

Hello all, I’m very new to Dynamo, and excited to start this fun!

I am looking for a way to select all elements by selection box or all on screen, then have user input a value for a specific Parameter, and Dynamo assign it to all those modeled elements. Is this possible?

This is what I have started with:

Hello !

You have to use “…” for the parameter name too !


That worked Great! I was so close! thank you very much.

Another question if I may?

this is great in Revit 2016 - the goal is to use this in 2017 with the Dynamo Player - in which case how would the end user get to input the value needed to be assigned without opening Dynamo?

I don’t trust the end user!! :sweat_smile:

You can use “pick model elements” from rhythm in place of the select model elements.

I am not quite sure what you mean. can you please share an example? pick elements is the first step I am prescribing…

Pick model elements is a custom node from my package rhythm.

@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi discussed this here. Revit 2017.1 Dynamo player


Cool video, but not quite what I am after.

the process I want is:

  1. Run Dynamo Script from Player
  2. User selects Elements (The way I prescribe works great)
  3. A dialogue box opens that the user has to input new value for all categories selected
  4. Script finishes
  5. The End

I guess what I am missing is being able to generate a dialogue box for user input without them being able to edit the dynamo script - I do not want end users to be able to edit the master library of scripts

I have a solution that asks for user input of a string. I’m cleaning the nodes up about. But I will post to rhythm on Monday.

[quote=“john_pierson, post:8, topic:7094, full:true”]
I have a solution that asks for user input of a string. I’m cleaning the nodes up about. But I will post to rhythm on Monday.
[/quote]What’s your new node’s name?

The node is called Rhythm.TextBoxInput

I outline this node briefly here,

It should be live on the package manager in the next few minutes, version is Rhythm 2016.10.30

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And to specifically provide a solution for @CHBIV007. Check out this DYN file.

To be clear, you must download Rhythm for this to work, that includes your users.
G_SOW.dyn (3.3 KB)

That’s really awesome !

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OMG!! Amazing!!! Well done! Two High Fives!

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Plenty more coming as well! :slight_smile:

Hi John,

That’s awesome!

I’m running the graph in Revit 2016. So no Dynamo Player.

Just a few questions:

1- I have to close the graph and re-open it if I want to run it multiple times (regardless of the graph be run automatically or manually). is this how it’s supposed to work?
2- The text box shows first.You have put the value,click apply twice and close it before you can select model elements.
is this how it’s supposed to work?

Also if I leave the graph running automatically, when I reopen it and press escape without filling the text box it crushes Revit.

  1. Toggle will reset the input value
  2. Input value, click apply and “X” out of the input window. (I plan and adding a finish button soon). The reason it is this way is because the node will actually support a list of inputs. If you keep hitting apply it will pack the values entered into a list, which can potentially be useful. :slight_smile:

If you want a single value, click apply once.

And for the Revit crash, I would advise to use this in manual run for now. I primarily made this for Dynamo player which is similar to a manual run.

I plan on tweaking this node a bit more in the coming weeks, but wanted to go ahead and share the Dynamo player workflow.

*edit- will revise tomorrow per some guidance from @Konrad_Sobon

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This has been fixed. Uploading now.



Boy am I late to the game…had to drop this because of workload… :cry:

Where exactly do I download Rhythm?

package manager

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Gotcha, thanks !