Hello all, I’m very new to Dynamo, and excited to start this fun!
I am looking for a way to select all elements by selection box or all on screen, then have user input a value for a specific Parameter, and Dynamo assign it to all those modeled elements. Is this possible?
This is what I have started with:
Hello !
You have to use “…” for the parameter name too !
That worked Great! I was so close! thank you very much.
Another question if I may?
this is great in Revit 2016 - the goal is to use this in 2017 with the Dynamo Player - in which case how would the end user get to input the value needed to be assigned without opening Dynamo?
I don’t trust the end user!!
You can use “pick model elements” from rhythm in place of the select model elements.
I am not quite sure what you mean. can you please share an example? pick elements is the first step I am prescribing…
Pick model elements is a custom node from my package rhythm.
@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi discussed this here. Revit 2017.1 Dynamo player
Cool video, but not quite what I am after.
the process I want is:
- Run Dynamo Script from Player
- User selects Elements (The way I prescribe works great)
- A dialogue box opens that the user has to input new value for all categories selected
- Script finishes
- The End
I guess what I am missing is being able to generate a dialogue box for user input without them being able to edit the dynamo script - I do not want end users to be able to edit the master library of scripts
I have a solution that asks for user input of a string. I’m cleaning the nodes up about. But I will post to rhythm on Monday.
[quote=“john_pierson, post:8, topic:7094, full:true”]
I have a solution that asks for user input of a string. I’m cleaning the nodes up about. But I will post to rhythm on Monday.
[/quote]What’s your new node’s name?
The node is called Rhythm.TextBoxInput
I outline this node briefly here, http://sixtysecondrevit.blogspot.com/2016/10/pick-selection-text-input-dynamo-player.html
It should be live on the package manager in the next few minutes, version is Rhythm 2016.10.30
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And to specifically provide a solution for @CHBIV007. Check out this DYN file.
To be clear, you must download Rhythm for this to work, that includes your users.
G_SOW.dyn (3.3 KB)
OMG!! Amazing!!! Well done! Two High Fives!
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Plenty more coming as well!
Hi John,
That’s awesome!
I’m running the graph in Revit 2016. So no Dynamo Player.
Just a few questions:
1- I have to close the graph and re-open it if I want to run it multiple times (regardless of the graph be run automatically or manually). is this how it’s supposed to work?
2- The text box shows first.You have put the value,click apply twice and close it before you can select model elements.
is this how it’s supposed to work?
Also if I leave the graph running automatically, when I reopen it and press escape without filling the text box it crushes Revit.
- Toggle will reset the input value
- Input value, click apply and “X” out of the input window. (I plan and adding a finish button soon). The reason it is this way is because the node will actually support a list of inputs. If you keep hitting apply it will pack the values entered into a list, which can potentially be useful.
If you want a single value, click apply once.
And for the Revit crash, I would advise to use this in manual run for now. I primarily made this for Dynamo player which is similar to a manual run.
I plan on tweaking this node a bit more in the coming weeks, but wanted to go ahead and share the Dynamo player workflow.
*edit- will revise tomorrow per some guidance from @Konrad_Sobon
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This has been fixed. Uploading now.
Boy am I late to the game…had to drop this because of workload…
Where exactly do I download Rhythm?