I have a custom divided surface in revit done with intersections.
I now would like to import the surface do dynamo tu evaluate uv and nodes.
I’m unable to select the divided surface. How can I do it? Which node do i have to use?
I have a custom divided surface in revit done with intersections.
I now would like to import the surface do dynamo tu evaluate uv and nodes.
I’m unable to select the divided surface. How can I do it? Which node do i have to use?
is it in a project or in a conceptual mass template?
Conceptual mass template
You can do it like this:
Make sure the nodes are displayed! otherwise dynamo won’t retrieve them.
here’s the code:
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import*
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
import Revit
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
pts = []
divsurf = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(DividedSurface)
s = [d.ToDSType(True) for d in divsurf]
OUT = s
Great! It works, thanks Mostafa!
I have another questione. How can I trim the surface with the curves to get the single shape of the panels?
check this post:
the onlly difference here is instead of using ZAxis to extrude you need to use some other vector… I don’t know exactly how your grid is created but maybe the normal to the surface at the midle point of each gridline could work…
I have the same question but my divided surface is inside a project- not in the conceptual mass template, and the options for surface representations are disabled…
Appreciate any help.
You have an in place mass?
@sebastian_sepulveda if you show the surface you can display the nodes:
Great! Thanks.