Select all geometries of a linked file

Hallo guys,

what´s the easieast way for Dynamo to select the geometry of ALL elements of a revit linked file?

Basically I want to place instances in my mother file, if they do not clash with the linked model itself.



Well to answer your question very literally… Like this… Using Achi-lab, Springs and Ampersand…

Most of the ‘fails’ are rooms, your description made it sound like you don’t want those, otherwise I can give some suggestions

If you don’t want ‘every’ element and you only want solids to use in clashing, you could do this…

I’d note the transform output of the collection node, if you’ve moved your Project North / Base Point etc. it allows you to compensate using an element transform node

Hope that’s useful,


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THAT´S GREAT MARK! Thanks a lot

Do you think is there a way to automatically sort ALL cathegories which are solids, without specifying the one by one?


I’d say that adding in as many as 10 categories is easier than filtering down 500.

I don’t know of a way to filter by whether an element has a solid, other than to attempt to get it and filter out the fails.



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As a follow up, I wasn’t aware of this functionality… Great shout by Thomas Mahon.

