Get geometry data of elements in linked Revit

I have a MEP revit file with linked Architectural Revit file, while I tried to use Dynamo to read the wall (in Archi-Revit) geometry, it always return null.

Is there any way to retrisve the linked nested element data without breaking the link?

can you clarify what you want to do with the wall data in Revit.

I would normally use the Revit copy monitor tool to bring the walls into the MEP model.

In Dynamo, the steamnodes & arch-lab packages have some nodes for dealing with linked files


I’m having the same issue but probably for a different purpose. I need the geometry information to use the surface information to host devices so copy/monitor won’t work for me. I already have the walls selected using ‘’ but ‘Element.Geometry’ isn’t working.

Current approach it to create a geometry identical to the wall then select a face but since the Revit2015Toolkit was removed, this stopped working.

any one has any idea as to how to get the geometry of elements in a revit link?

Yes…many ways here is an example with bimorph…