Section box by Bounding box

I have a huge problem: I’m not a programmer…

I’m trying to set a section box in a 3D-view to the extend of a boundingbox. I can’t figure out how without using python and that’s where it stops.

Anyone got a clue why this isn’t working?


You’re using the python syntax for 0.63

Have a look here for some info on how things changed in 0.7+



Try the following:



Thanks! I found the link you specified after the previous post. But I didn’t think of setting a new Bbox from the input. Nice!

If not already available i’m putting forward a Coins auto-section box-ish definition in the package manager soon. Huge compliments and credit will be given to you, Dimitar!

Hello, all!

Can it be done for multiple 3d views based on an exact number of multiple elements?


Eduardo Tavares


That’s a duplicate of at least two other packages that i can remember from top of my head.

Eduardo: I’m sure it can be done, but it requires skills surpassing my level. Hope someone responds, though!

Konrad: It wasn’t a duplicate as of November last year as far as I could tell, so easy on the reprimandes. :slight_smile:


Hi guys,

I’m looking for a node creating section box (by elements, bounding or axonometric view).

The only one I found in packages is “New Section Box View By Elements”, but it doesn’t work on any of my tests.

I found some topics about it where you mention other nodes creating section boxes - could you direct me where to find it? Which packages?

I would be really grateful, since I’m searching for the answer for a long time.




Hi Martyna,

Read this article

I’m having trouble creating a section box around two clashing elements.

Would anyone know how to create a section box around two intersecting elements?

or how to create a section box from bounding box?

I’m using Revit 2021