Seating Bowl | Parametric Monkey Tutorial

Greetings everyone,

I am following this tutorial from Parametric Monkey about how to model a stadium seating bowl withing Dynamo.

I am having issues once I reach the step where I add the steps around the vomitories and gangways of the model. I have had success following the tutorial up to this point, however I am unable to figure out why my model is not working when trying to add steps. Once I run the script to create steps, I end up with this,

Could anyone that is familiar with this tutorial help me get over this hump?

Thanks in advance

Can you post your file?

I knew I was forgetting something! The file was too large to upload so here is a link to the Revit and Dynamo file. I am using the BVN plugin for the stadium nodes. The massing is present in the project, it is called Mass 2 and needs to be reinserted once the file is open.

Well, I’m not sure. I need to investigate more. Revit just crashes if I try to run your script.

Try to contact the author of the article.

I’m at step 8 and only a Function is returned by the watch node. I’m using Dynamo 1.3 / Revit 2017 and it oddly created a weird line across my user workspace which I could not zoom to fit. At first, I suspected something to do with reconciliation, so ran from a new clean workspace. Still nothing and weird line. I then tried Dynamo 2.0 and still no output, but no odd line either.

I think my gangway mass may be causing the problem and tried creating it both as an extrusion and also as a void and extrusion. I also tried the select model element (singular) node for the gangway. Nothing. Any ideas?
stadiumBVN-S8.dyn (13.5 KB)
stadiumBVN.rvt (3.0 MB)