Script is ghosting me

i have a script that i run for years, but suddenly it is mallfunctioning on some machines and when i make a new script with the same solution…it didn;'t work then i took this script on my computer reconfigred it .
this solution for replacing curtain panels was exactly the same… and then it did work…

any one any clue on what could be the problem

so this does work on my machine (most of the time) but not on other machines… i have no errors on the packages…

My guess is that FamilyInstance.SetType is using IronPython, and on the machines you’re using the IronPython2 package is either not installed or the wrong version is installed. Double click on the node, copy it to the canvas and try to hook it into a base dataset; that should provide some insight into the issue.

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thanks for the quick reply will look into it