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Do you have the DynamoIronPython2.7 package installed?

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I don’t know
How to fine vesion

It’s dynamo for revit


I can suggest two things for debugging this.

  1. Try to check your python script in the package. You can double click on the FamilyInstance.ByGeometry node to enter the package and double click on the Python Script to see the engine. As far as I know this package is working with IronPython2 so you should avoid using CPython as an engine. If you dont see the IronPython2, in the package manager you should search for DynamoIronPython2.7.

  1. Try to copy and paste the python node from the package to the project and reconnect the inputs. Sometimes, the explanation of the error is much better from the python script node than package node itself.

Overall, your inputs are looking correct.

Please let me know if you need further help!


What need i do
Next step ?

the first number is 2 ?

Next step ?