Schedule Sorting ArchiLab Package

I’m running into an issue with the Schedule Sorting Grouping node in the archi-lab package where it’s returning null and not actually doing any sorting/grouping. I’m sure this is probably user error, but I have not been able to find anything on the forums or the achi-lab website that’s pointing me in the right direction as to what I’m doing wrong.

I have a python script creating a Multi-Category schedule for each element that passes a logic test. From there I feed in some shared parameters and filters, but am stuck on getting those parameters correctly sorted and grouped.

Any help would be appreciated in getting this working!


You have to set IsItemized property to False, if you wanna group item and sorting should be for each parameter. In your example you have only one → Descending, this can cause an error, you have to map each parameter, in your case I see 2 parameters

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