Run part of dynamo script in specified order

Hello! I have this dynamo script but i need the parts to run in sequence from top to bottom. I am not sure that dynamo does this by default?
The scrupt works for now but i would like clarity and help on how to make sure that the top group is run before the middle and bottom group :slight_smile:

Here is the image of my dynamo script

Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Hello ,You could try play around with some passtrough

Hello Sovitek and thanks for you answer! :slight_smile:

Is this passthrough a package of some sorts?

Thanks for clarifying! Working with Graphs! Got it :smiley:

I will try with the clockwork passthrough node and see if that helps! :slight_smile:

Hi Lasse…clockwork have one or just in a codeblock…maybe timerdelay from Crumble could help as well…good luck :wink:


Works fine for me in some situation in our SCRIPTS :wink: :wink:

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Im getting bullied just cos im a programmer :sob: :joy: :joy:

I used the Clockworks package and it does exactly what i want :slight_smile: Thanks you all!

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No worries we know what you mean :wink: some people call it script other graphs ( probably the right term) but so long we understand each other its all good in my opinion,we have bigger issues with Dynamo :wink: