I would like to run a dynamo script in certain revit file every week.
I was searching some information in the internet or here but I’ve only found some posts proposing to install some plug-ins.
Is it possible to this with dynamo or windows task scheduler?
Hi think you tag the wrong man anyway yes its actuelly a .exe software. sad to hear you are not allow to install this kind…but then try ask your company coded itself…if they want that kind off service
Yes that is a plugin. What youre trying to do isnt feasible without some sort of plugin I believe, so best ask your IT department to relax their policy, or maybe they can run the script each week instead.
Seeing this issue more and more these days… what are the IT departments of AEC firms doing…
Too many see denying tools as a means of maintaining their own job security, while others have (valid) security concerns about not installing tools until they are reviewed for conflicts (ie: I installed add-in X and now add-in Y and Dynamo don’t work) and software security (ie: this tool is great but it uses annunpatched version of Log4J which has 2 year old published exploit which puts our entire organization at risk).
Sadly they are often not equipped and staffed to deal with those two bits in a timely manner.
Well - half of our office is doing DoD work. The security requirements are increasingly restrictive. Painfully so.
For example, we bought a phone system used by the Corp of Engineers. Now we have to replace it because it was made in China. (The Corp isn’t replacing theirs?!?)
Totally get that, but ‘we dont install things at all’ just seems like a lazy IT department to me. Bet they use batch scripts to deploy things too.
Just becomes a huge bummer when we have solutions for people and get stonewalled by policy. Most progressive firms use whitelisting apps to let the right ones through.
Hi @jacob.small,
I’m trying with a bat file or task scheduler but I have some difficultie to find the .exe dynamo file that allows to run dynamo.
The closest thing I have found is a file named:
“C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2\DynamoSandbox.exe”
I tried with journal file but I get a message:
The journal file could not be run to completion. Utilize care in saving any work as the project may be in an unstable state.
Do you have any clues as to why this problem might be happening?
I’m looking for more information on journal files but I can’t find much.
I’ve tried to identify what the comments are and I’m not sure I can find it.
I’m a little afraid to use journal files without understanding them. Maybe this could cause modifications or loss of information.
I have created a dynamo script that allows to take data from a model to perform a healthcheck.
The idea was to run the script on several models once per two weeks but it seems to be a complicated task. I will have to keep doing it manually.
I have managed to convert my IT service to be able to install Revit Batch processor.
I have a problem with the files that are in the Cloud. It seems that RBP is not able to open them. I have tried to download the files with a .bat file via its URL or via the desktop connector but it doesn’t work.
I’ve seen that someone has mentioned this problem in this topic but didn’t get a reply.
If you’re dealing with ACC projects, then the Autodesk Validation Tool might be a better solution. It’s cloud based so it won’t tie up any CPU, and can me scheduled in advance.
This is an update to the BIM Interoperability Tools “Model Checker” which could be used for your local projects if you wanted to standardize one set of. Heck’s for cloud and local network projects. The drawback is that it may not have all your checks it could suffice as a starting point should you rethink your tooling.
Another route to go would be automating the periodic download of the project files from ACC to the local network, which is an Autodesk Platform Services task.