Rotate mechanical family instance in different planes

Does someone know how to rotate family instance in all planes (XY, XZ, YZ)? I was trying to reach it with CoordinateSystem nodes, but no luck. The instance still at he same place.

Hi @denisyukj OpenMep have some great nodes for that…Rotate revit family - #6 by sovitek


How you rotate your family (if even possible) is going to depend on how the family is built. Using a family instance rotation node with an axis of rotation will be the easiest option in most cases. But you’ll still likely have to deal with one or two alternatives based on what’s allowed.

Sorry for last long reply.

@Nick_Boyts Simple mechanical family with the following options. I can rotate it manually in any direction.


Idea of my script in setting and rotating new CS in intersection point of defined model lines and following placement family instance in this CS.

Rotating about a specified axis should still be the easiest option. There may be a couple custom nodes that can accomplish that (archilab had one) or you can always use the Revit API.

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