Room quantities surveyer

Hi All,
I have been strugling with Dynamo to make rooms more efficient in Revit. The intention is create several text room shared parameter that would woul be divided in 3 groups, horizontal_area (1 to 10) , vertical_area (1 to 10), perimeter(1 to 5). Each parameter (1 to 10) can be filled with material or finish codes. The filling of each parameter would generate a line in an excel spreadsheet, this code filling would follow a multiplier factor that would define the final floor area based on room info (area) example 30m² of a room area will be counted as a tile finish 45x45cm, that would be filled on horizontal_area_01=TIL_100% that would generate a line with TIL = 30m² in that room. For a wall finishes areas it would use the vertical_area_01 parameter using room perimeter * multiplier factor, for example 20m (perimeter) * 3m (Unbound height or multiplier factor) = 60m² area. Every filling on the 10 parameter would generate a new line and area information.

Any sugestions on getting together this??

Apreciatte the attention,


If you want to get any attention or hear a suggestion from anyone, you might want to post what YOU have done so far to achieve your goal. This is a community forum, not place where one gets free labor. We can help with issues, if you demonstrate an appropriate level of investigation, post sampes, bugs, errors, whatever it is to give others something to work with.

Thank you for the reply Konrad,
Never intended to get free labor, just a few sugestions.

I have simplified a the amount of parameters to be sure it shall work. Been able to link my shared parameters to an excel spreadsheet and fill it on excel and upload info to Revit model.

As I said in the first post, my intention is fill the parameters the text in Revit using a nomenclature of a material code with a multiplier code, PAINT01_100% would generate a new line in excel. So I am trying to find now is a way to make Dynamo interpret the filling of the parameters and separate the filling in MATERIAL DESCRIPTION_MULTIPLIER FACTOR and merge all the information of the parameters in a spreadsheet. Again appreciate any suggestion or link to similar known case.

Regards Alex