very new to Dynamo. I’m stuck and need some assistance. I’m working on a appartment building. Every appartment has it’s own unique designation (“Bouwnummer”).
I want to add up the room area’s per appartment by using “Bouwnummer” ( every room in a unique appartment has the same "Bouwnummer"value) and return that value back into a Revit schedule ( and name it Collected Area or something like that) so that I can use that collected value for other calculations in a schedule.
I have allready have some work done but I don’t know how to finish it.
I wanted to ad the file but as a newbie I’m not allowed to!. Any comments and or pointers are appreciated.
I have used "All elements of category" and “parameter.parameterbyname” to make a list of rooms with the same “Bouwnummer”. I also have all the area values of every single room. Somehow I have to combine these two but I can’t figure out how.
“Please help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope”
ps. Tip from another user: I have added a WeTransfer link with the .dyn file
Bouwnummers is a parameter that I added. It is Dutch for: building number. It is used to designate an appartement or house during the build, before they get assigned a final housenumber
so I ran your script and it works. I now have all rooms belonging to a certain “Bouwnummer” added up . They are listed with random numbers. So I have no idea which summarized room area belongs to which “Bouwnummer”. Is there a way to have the Bouwnummers in the list instead off just numbers ( 0,1,2,3,4,5,etc…)?
offcourse a very legit question. I did that first. And It shows up nicely in the schedule. The problem is that I need the calculated value of all the rooms per house/ appartment because I need to do other calculations with that area. ( e.g. The number off bike parking spaces I need to have per house based on the total area per house). I usually do it manually by making an areaplan and use that area. But by using the room area’s it’s much faster and with this Dynamo script I can use it over and over again in other projects.
The municipalities determine the amount off bike parking spaces ( and also offcourse car parking spaces) based on the total area per unit. Every range off unit area’s has a minimum amount of bikes needed.
E.g. < 50m2, 3 bikes, 50m2< 65m2, 3 bikes. Etc. I have made a calculated value of this in a schedule. It works perfectly with areaplans. But if you use rooms, it looks at every room individualy, instead of the total area per unit. You can display it as a total when you uncheck “Itemize every instance”, but the schedule still looks at every instance!
So you get the wrong numbers
That’s why I was looking at Dynamo. It is also a good way to start determening the GBO via Rooms instead of Area’s.