Hello guys,
I would like some help
I have a code filled in Revit and Excel for Ceiling Finish, Wall Finish, and Floor Finish in Room.
I need to fill in an instance parameter in Room for the descriptions of these codes, which are the parameters “DescForro” DescParede, “DescPiso” respectively. To fill in the description I have an excel spreadsheet.
This dynamo works for ceiling. I’m selecting the Rooms category, and then the “ceiling Finish” parameter. For ceiling it worked. However, when I ask to fill in the parameters for Wall Finish and Floor Finish, the descriptions are not filled, it does not identify the rooms and the dynamo does not work. What could be the problem? If it works for ceilings, why doesn’t it work to fill in the wall and floor description? Despite containing some blank cells in the excel spreadsheet, and showing an error in dynamo, I believe this is not the problem
What does the error message say?
Hello, I actually realized that it didn’t work for any of the elements.
I believe the reasoning is wrong. It is not respecting the Parameter Name to populate the description. I have the type mark equal to the code Ceiling Finish, or Floor Finish or Wall Finish. And I want you to fill in the corresponding description in a parameter created in Room, based on excel.
The message that appears is due to contain empty items in excel. In List.GetItemAtIndex, it says ''must be non negative and less than teh size of the collection. In Element.SetParameterByName says “no arameter found by that name”.
I see some empty wall finish on rooms as well. Why not start by cleaning up the empty inputs on both sides? Then what I glean from some other posts suggest you could do this instead of repeating header/parameter names. Set many parameters at the same time - Dynamo Player - Dynamo
I highly recommend using a dictionary. It will make everything much simpler. The first issue you’re dealing with is that your Excel data and your Revit data don’t match. There’s nothing tying the specific room in Revit to the matching data in Excel - you just have “random” lists. Assuming that you have an identifier somewhere (Room Name, Type Mark, etc.) you can use that to identify the dictionary with the appropriate ceiling, wall, and floor finish types. Then you just use the Revit identifier to get the correct values from the dictionary and apply to the appropriate parameters.