Rhynamo imports a trimmed brep as untrimmed by dynamo


I use Rhynamo to bring a geometry from Rhino to Revit(Dynamo)

Anyway for most cases Rhynamo works fine. But sometimes Rhynamo imports trimmed Surface as untrimmed form.

For Example… in Rhino

but in Revit with Rhynamo

It seems, that Rhynamo can’t load Trimming Information well.
Is there any solution for this problem?

I upload here the Rhino & Dynamo File for testing…
trimmed Srf in Rhino.3dm (133.3 KB)
Rhynamo Untrim Problem.dyn (3.3 KB)

p.s. I’ve already tried, untrim & retrim, rebuildedges, rebuild in Rhino, but same problem…

@y.KWON did you find the solution for this yet? I am having the same problem.
or anyone has the solution for this?