Rhynamo to Revit Complex Form

Hi all

I am trying to use Rhynamo to import a complex Rhino form (it’s a tree) it was made from grasshopper and baked there are two options a Mesh and a polysurface forms.

I have tried the solution from Kulkul:

It did work but i can’t find the elements in the Revit model…? I would like to know what I am doing wrong, or is the file to complex for revit?

Screen shot of dynamo file

I have attached the dynamo and the rhino file i am trying to import into revit.
if anyone can set me in the right direction i can work it out from there…

Many thanks

An alternative would the MeshToolkit package.

You would need to export the Rhino model to OBJ format


Hi Andrew

Thanks for the reply I ended up using an assortment of node data shapes and Springs nodes.

Cheers Thanks Again.