Revit schedules - areas and levels

Just a sanity check before I dynamo this…

I want net to gross figure for my building which is:
sum of my (NIA areas / GIA area ) * 100

I also want:
Wall area per level = GEA perimeter * level height

And finally I have some calcs which I have added to some areas in Revit as instance parameters.
I want to subtract the total of these from the wall area per level.

I can’t do this in Revit can I? Meaning, I can’t put different area types into 1 schedule, or get the floor to floor height in that schedule to do some calcs?

Can someone confirm or deny this please :smiley:

Also… pretty sure I can’t do this in Revit… So the question is WHY? Seems something people would want to do regularly?

@Alien ,

do you have any pics ? i can`t follow correctly …

do you want collect areas by a parameter f.e. “top”-Area ?



Get the total area = NIA areas (purple lines)

And divide by GIA area (internal perimeter of the building walls - cyan dashed line)

Two different Revit area types.

I also want GEA (dot dash green lines) length *floor to floor height…

I can do this in Dynamo… I am just checking it’s not possible in Revit before I script this.

I’m guessing this won’t be completely possible just based on how Revit handles Walls. Since Walls only report Base and Top Levels/Offsets it’s not really possible to get the length of floor on a given Level directly from the model.