I want net to gross figure for my building which is:
sum of my (NIA areas / GIA area ) * 100
I also want:
Wall area per level = GEA perimeter * level height
And finally I have some calcs which I have added to some areas in Revit as instance parameters.
I want to subtract the total of these from the wall area per level.
I can’t do this in Revit can I? Meaning, I can’t put different area types into 1 schedule, or get the floor to floor height in that schedule to do some calcs?
Can someone confirm or deny this please
Also… pretty sure I can’t do this in Revit… So the question is WHY? Seems something people would want to do regularly?
I’m guessing this won’t be completely possible just based on how Revit handles Walls. Since Walls only report Base and Top Levels/Offsets it’s not really possible to get the length of floor on a given Level directly from the model.