Revit get km of a rail

Hola Amigos buenas, Amigo @mairh_tsek check this post is very similar, what I did was the following:

  1. Download CivilConnection Package, to be able to work with C3D objects directly from Dynamo Revit (You have to have the same version C3D, Revit, CivilConnection for the package to work).
  2. From Dynamo Revit I have explored the coorridor to get its geometry and create solids, which was surprisingly ambiguous and complicated, maybe you who are more familiar with the LandXml language will have better luck.
  3. With the FamilyInstanseByGeometry node from the Springs Nodes package you import a mass from solids. See the full post for more than one solution.

I must also mention that I agree with my colleagues that it would be better to try to work directly in C3D I am sure there are ways to make cross sections in a simple way.

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