Revit API Python How to Get ElementId of BuiltInCategory Enumeration

In Dynamo RevitAPI 2021, i want to make a python node to call the BuiltInCategory Enumeration and get the ElementId of it. I want to filter the list containing elements by its Category properties ElementId compared to the BuiltInCategory ElementId. I tried using python dir() method on the BuiltInCategory but return nothing about properties or method that returned ElementId. How to get the Element Id?

Note: To Collect the Elements, i explicitly not use FilteredElementCollector and not using it’s WherePasses method. Just using the uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds() to get selected element in active view.

Here is the code:

#standard import boilerplate for Revit API
"""--- CODE STARTS HERE ---"""

builtincateg = BuiltInCategory.OST_DetailComponents #example builtincateg DetailComponent

elems = [ ] #example containing Elements collected from revit selection
filtered = [ ]

for i in elems:
    idata = UnwrapElement(i)
    icateg = idata.Category.Id
    # why i use ElementId instead of Name because for BuiltInCategory returned "DetailComponents"
    # the i.Category.Name returned "Detail Items" and not "DetailComponents"
    # Cannot check matching

    if icateg.Id == builtincateg.Id: 
        #this check if ElementId same but error because builtincateg don't have ElementId properties

OUT =  filtered
"""--- CODE END HERE ---"""

To get element ID?

def GetId(item):
	if hasattr(item, "Id"): return item.Id.IntegerValue
	else: return None

items = UnwrapElement(IN[0])

if isinstance(IN[0], list): OUT = [GetId(x) for x in items]
else: OUT = GetId(items)

Is this what you are trying to do?

Thanks for the reply @pyXam
As you noted in your image. I found the script to get the data of API BuiltInCategory Clockwork.BuiltInCategories node. Thanks @Andreas_Dieckmann for the package

Those custom node do the job to get 1. BuiltInCategory, 2. BuiltInCategory ElementId, 3. BuiltInCategory Revit Category. And using the import System, i can use System.Enums.GetValues(BuiltInCategories) to get all list of RevitAPI BuiltInCategories in this RevitAPI BuiltInCategory Enumeration

Here are the finished script

#standard import boilerplate for Revit API
"""--- CODE STARTS HERE ---"""

#1.List of All BuiltInCategory Enumeration in RevitAPI
#no need for this script because already specified the builtincategory
import System.Enum 
biclist = System.Enum.GetValues(BuiltInCategory)

#init builtin object as variable
builtincateg = BuiltInCategory.OST_DetailComponents #example builtincateg DetailComponent

#2. Get Revit ElementId of the BuiltInCategory object  
builtincategId = ElementId(builtincateg)

#3. Get the Revit Category (object class same as Element.Category)
biccategRevit = Revit.Elements.Category.ById(ElementId(builtincateg).IntegerValue)

elems = [ ] #example containing Elements collected from revit selection
filtered = [ ]

for i in elems:
	idata = UnwrapElement(i)
	icateg = idata.Category.Id
	if icateg.Id == builtincategId: 

OUT =  filtered
"""--- CODE END HERE ---"""
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you can use this constructor

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