Revit 2017.1 Dynamo player

@Tim_Halvorson User inputs is for 2018 version of the dynamo player.

Hi @Brendan_Cassidy thanks for the prompt reply! From what I think you are saying it sounds like the Dynamo Player version doesn’t have a separate installer to get upgraded but comes improved with the latest version of Revit, is that right? I’m getting slightly confused since Dynamo itself can be installed independent of Revit.

The way I understand it, Dynamo has its own versions which can work across multiple Revit versions. Dynamo Player versions are tied to the Revit version. So you can have the same version of Dynamo running on different versions of Dynamo Player, and Dynamo Player may have different features depending on which version of Revit you’re using.

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this doesn’t make it run in auto but you can add Passthrough node from Clockwork to wait for data from another node before letting the other data passthrough to the next node. I have used it with great success. thank you @Andreas_Dieckmann

They are unfortunately joined at the hip. Dynamo itself is stand alone. But Dynamo for Revit is the software which links Revit an Dynamo.

Dynamo for Revit requires that Revit have the correct core code to produce the types of interactions you’re looking for. This is why Dynamo for Revit 2017 is a different install than Dynamo for Revit 2018 and so on. Dynamo player is included with this install. As a result, we can have a different Dynamo Player for Revit 2017 than we do in Revit 2018, and you can’t even get Dynamo Player for Revit 2016, and so on. Just wait until Revit 2019 comes out and it’s a 3rd version (no I don’t know what this will look like or entail yet).

This is because the API and DLLs used by Revit change between releases, and Dynamo for Revit needs to know which files it has access to in order to do it’s job.

For better inputs, I recommend you look into the Datashapes package for UI stuff, as it has excellent feel, usability and control for settings with the UI++ node (consecutive selections with feedback as one big add over the stand alone version, canceling as another…). For better (or any?) outputs I recommend you use a popup dialog box created with a python node by referencing either ctypes or the Revit UI directly to let users know what’s happening (search ctypes to get a good post from when I was still a newbie). Great thing about these methods: They allow better interoperability between Revit versions as the API doesn’t change THAT much between releases.

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Very clear explanation on the installs so thanks so much Jacob! I will definitely be checking out these packages to see what opportunities are available to improve usability. I find that dusting off old Dynamo scripts could greatly use some UI enhancements just to refresh my memory of what I was thinking!

It’s been a while since I installed it, but if I remember correctly, the Dynamo Player inputs came with the Revit 2018.2 (and Dynamo 1.3.2) update

Resurrecting this thread just to note that there’s still no better way to achieve customised deployment. Also to note that the player could be logging browsing history, cookies, usernames, passwords, etc (bug, not feature).
So it is good policy to clean up the player folders regularly.

Does anyone know if this still isn’t possible, even after Dynamo and Dynamo Player is a fixed feature in Revit??

Please start a new thread, and link to the specific feature you’re after. There are currently 49 posts spanning 4+ years of updates, and the use of nouns like ‘this’ don’t provide enough context to clearly answer your question.