Replace families without excell

I`m really new with Dynamo and do not know exactly how it works, I followed many tutorials thought. Maybe you could help me a bit with the issue below.

In our firm we do project for English and Dutch clients. Mostly we draw our drawings at first in English but after a while they need to be changed to Dutch. As far as I could see this should be the way to do it;

Give relevant families a new type parameter EN and NL with the two languages descriptions. Create two tags which could read or the EN parameter or the NL parameter. It would be great if I could swap the one tag for another, without the use of Excell. There are many other families that have to be swapped, but i think if I have one working, the other will do too.

Maybe create a project information parameter with a checkbox were you can choose the EN or NL language in the Revit project. When running Dynamo, Dynamo reads that parameter and swaps all the necessary families if needed.

Thanks in advance!

The following I`ve done so far, I made a family which has just a yes/no parmater for EN or NL language. Dynamo reads this parameter and if it has a certain valu I would like Dynamo to change preset families. Those families are always the same in the project.

Its that last part which I cant pull together. The first part I just fixed, see below. Can anyone help me with this?