hello dynamo community, i need to replace the family in my revit file but i dont know how to do in dynamo. can anyone about this?
@sovitek hi sir can you help me out this?
Assuming they are the same category, you can use element.setparameterbyname and the ‘Type’ parameter to set a suitable Family Type for an instance if i recall correctly. Pretty sure Clockwork package has a set type node also if not.
If the category does match, edit the family so that i5 does then reload the family manually.
Keep in mind this would be one family type at a time, and you would lose instance parameter data that is not shared in the process.
You can generally only swap types to others using the same hosting method. So cannot change a door to a chair for example.
yeps guess “Type” should do it as Gavin say ;))
@GavinCrump @sovitek i tried “Type” instead of “family” but its not working even though those two families are same category. what should do?
allright and same hosting method ?
The error seems to indicate there may be some nulls in the node before. Id suggest also flattening a list for better lacing vs sending in sublists like you are there.
yes sir
can you swap manuel ?
yes sir it will swap by doing manually but not in dynamo
I’ll try to test this tomorrow. Off the top of my head i cant recall if the setparameter workflow has limitations. Type is a parameter that has a few values Dynamo can see I think so might relate to that.
The next thing I would do if not is use Python to set the typeid:
There is probably another node in dynamo that does this somewhere. Not at a pc to check right now unfortunately.
how can i use this dynamo, cause i dont have knowlodge in progamming languages
@sovitek hi sir i have one more doubt, can you tell me how to change schedule level in dynamo,
no not sure…but seems your switch dont have any host…showed in post #15
ok sir thank you for your good