Replace by Condition ERROR

Ciao Everybody,

i really can´t get why this ReplaceByCondition does not work. I can read a list of Revit rooms, the same out of Excel, I can compare them. Now I wish Dynamo to replace item of Revit list with the ones from Excel, every time they do not match.

What am I doing wrong?

Error states:
Warning: One or more of the input types are not matching. Couldn’t find a version of __Replace that takes arguments of type (__array,__array,__array)

Thanks a lot!

The condition has to evaluate true or false itself (see the definition in the dictionary if needed:
See also this topic:


Amazing Yna_Db, Thanks!

So, i´m picking up the wrong node. Would you suggest to use another one insted?


PS: a Code with a simple IF() works fine :wink:

got it|690x391

You’re right, If works also. We can not see your image, but here are some details for anyone interested: