To get the Family Types and the Families together in the same Excel Spreadsheet, you will need to do a List.Create and feed the Family Names into the First Slot and the Family Types in the second slot (note that you may need to add in a node to get the Family Type (Family Symbol) Names (strings) instead of the elements (which Excel won’t like)). Then follow that with a List.Transpose (converting from two lists of many things to many lists of two things). Then hook the output of the transpose into the data port of the excel file. This will give you two columns of data (if you skipped the transpose, you would get two rows of data instead of columns).
This will give you every column in the project, which means that you will have a lot of duplicates in your excel file. You might want to add a List.UniqueItems after the FamilyInstance.Symbol to cut out all of the duplicates (so that you only have one row for each unique family type in your excel file).
I’m not sure where the “Empty List” is…It is not shown anywhere in your image. The Excel.WriteToFile part looks fine to me, so that makes me think that whatever issue you are having is farther back in the Collect Elements in Rooms node, but it is hard to diagnose without more info or without seeing the output. I’ve never used that node (what package is it from?).