Rename families created based on excel files

Good evening,

I intend to rename my families that are in the project about 383 … items "Knees 45 and 90 and Curves, joints and tees.

The problem is that families were created with an excel table parameter, so there is only one type.

I would like to separate and then rename families that have different angles and diameters below follows my routine.

Families were removed from this site

Alterar Valor de Parametros das familias no projeto.dyn (108.2 KB)

hi @Tiago

can you provide a sample file and explain further more your desired output?


good afternoon i want to renomer according to the replace string but it renames everything with 90 or everything with 45Renomear Familiasa Amanco.dyn (40.1 KB)

file rvt

Hi @Tiago ,

Sorry I didn’t notice your reply. Also, I cannot access your sharing website because it is blocked in my company’s proxy. Can you share it in google drive instead?
