Reading dynamo script via PowerBI / Power Query

Hi there gurus,

Trying to ask if there is a way to read the dynamo scripts properly.
I am currently using powerBI / excel to query and transform the data to check for duplicates in the Id and Uuid.
Not really sure if there is a solution here but I just thought I should post this in to try my luck.
Image below on the structure of the data.
(redacted info for privacy)

i have managed to somewhat get this to work slightly but trying to find a more optimized solution.

Hope this perks the interest of any data scientists out there!

A .dyn is a json formatted string, so if you read the text with Dynamo (ReadText) you can then invert the text data to a dictionary by using the json Deserialize node, and from there you can query the file’s properties as desired.

Minimal code example

# CPython3
import json
from pathlib import Path

directory = Path(IN[0]).glob("*.dyn")

output = []
for file in directory:
    with open(file) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

OUT = output

Did a bit of experimentation so… it seems to work if i read the file via json.
Sharing two solutions here that I have found from the advice above.
First is the Sandbox method. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the python script to work from Mike’s code.

I believe through dynamo it’ll be a bit more interesting when I downloaded a 2018 package that still works by @alvpickmans
Kinda opens up a bit of variety for dynamo solutions… Does this mean that I will be able to add certain group of nodes to multiple dyn scripts? Hmmm food for thought.
JsonData nodes

The second method, this is a transposed data with hidden Name on PowerBI.
It does make it nicer and easier to read so I will approach the json with this method instead.

Thus, the more suitable answer is by @jacob.small :slight_smile:

Thanks and merry christmas!


Yes, that is doable.

Or swap nodes for non-deprecated versions in bulk. Change the Python engine. Alter scripts. Etc.

If you’d like to check out some examples of stuff like that, check out this post where I outline some tools I presented at BiLT a few years back. It has some Python code to bulk edit Dynamo graphs at scale, as well as some code to prep for automated testing thereof.

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