PVI Creation from Elevations

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to brainstorm a workflow of how I could go about extracting the elevation of 3 existing profiles every 24 meters and then creating a PVI on a 4th profile at the lowest elevation of those 3.

For example, if at KP 0+024 I have three existing profiles with elevations 100, 200, 300 meters, on the dummy profile I’ve created I’d like for a PVI to be inserted at KP 0+024, and be at 100m elevation.

I know how I could do this but I can’t for the life of me come up with a node workflow.

  1. Compile a list of stations that increase by 24
  2. Compile a list of each profile and it’s elevations
  3. Combined step 1 and 2 to create a third list that has stations every 24m and the associated elevations for the three profiles
  4. filter this list to be the minimum elevation at each 24m interval
  5. Pipe this final list into a PVI creation node

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This should be a working workflow. I suggest the following:

  • Use the Profile.ElevationAtStation (I don’t know the exact name) node after getting the stations,
  • combine the 3 lists of elevations into 1 list (3 sublists) and transpose them, creating sublists containing the 3 elevations at each station so you can filter the lowest.
  • after that you can easily input the stations and the elevations.

PVI test.dyn (282.7 KB)

Guess you are looking for something like this?

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Thank you I ended up making this one work with some modifications.

Your workflow creates the new profile prior collecting the start and stop chainage. This results in a 0 value for both cells as the new profile has 0 start and 0 end chainage. To fix this I deleted your profile new profile generator nodes and manually created a dummy profile with just 2 PVIs - 1 at the start of the profile view and one and the end of the profile view.

I also had to ensure this new profile is greater in elevation than the other profiles I have to ensure it doesnt snap to itself for new PVI generation.

Thanks again!

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