Hi everyone !
I want to push the Room Name into the 0_MurExterieur Walls new Parameter that I created Mur_NoBoite (I use Revit R23). I want to use the Wall Interior Finish (Material Name 0P00_GypseTypeX) to clash with the Room because I know that if 2 Rooms touch the Wall, no information will appear (the Exterior Face always touches another Room, either a BOÎTE, either EXTÉRIEUR) and the information that I want will be given by the Interior Finish. I worked some Dynamo script but I don’t know how to have only the Wall Faces by the Material I want and to connect all together. Does someone know how to do so? Thank you very much for your help and time!
Hello, here is a research direction with Genius Loci package (you will need to install DynamoIronPython 2.7 ver 2.5)
Some nodes are coded with this engine.
Thank you very much @christian.stan !
Is it possible for you to send me in private the image, it’s not really visible for me from this site and I want to try that solution
here is the script, the offset of the contour line of the part to intercept the axis line of the finishing layer must be entered manually here ((0.005m), 10mm plaster layer)
There is a way to get it with thickness of layers (not use) reponse 26 Mars 2024.dyn (42.1 KB)
I’m very new to dynamo…if I wanted to do the same but my walls didn’t intersect do I take out the Geometry.doesintersect node ?? you see I have pods that I need to qty the walls put need to put in a room ref … any help or pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated
Below is an example of what you’ve tried so far. Please ensure that this condition is only applicable to wall finishes. Note: if one wall is used in two different rooms, it should not add accurate information.
Thank you for the reply. That is a problem as the walls will repeat in the rooms. Can I use a filter to select a function of these non-room bounding walls?? and then push the room number/room parameter into these??
I would like to push room information into both … at the same time if this can be done or can run another script to push the info into the internal walls (red)…these internal walls are non-room bounding …maybe that’s my issue
that’s worked out was able to push the Room Number or Name into a wall parameter. but when I tried to push another room parameter,(Pod Number) it was giving an error … again very new to this so maybe a very obvious error