I 've read this older post - but the node i snot working for me - I got this error message when I run the script.
I made parts from walls cose it’s layyered also split at every intersection to get the correct room number in a shared parameter but somehow it’s not working. Could you please help me out ?
here is a pic of the error message and dyn file i am using -
I just meant we need to see the data you’re supplying the node in question. If we can’t see your inputs then we can’t tell you what’s wrong. It’s usually a pretty obvious issue with this error.
An image of the full graph like you just provided is usually recommended as the issue may not originate at the node that’s returning a warning. What I’m specifically asking for here, and is also recommended in order to get good feedback, is the node preview bubbles that show the data passing through your nodes.
Without seeing the data that your graph is using we can only guess at what’s happening. Posting your DYN and an example file can be helpful for more in-depth troubleshooting, but often isn’t necessary and requires other users (us) to download, open, and run your files just to get to the same point you’re already at. It also leaves room for discrepancies between what you’re doing and what we might be doing.
It’s always easiest to start with a detailed image and explanation of what you’re trying to do and what you’re expecting.
Ah okay I didn’t know that - I thought that Rvt and Dyn gonna be enough but than here are the screenshots when the script running -
I read a lot of blogs but noone ever told me like I have to do like this - always have to upload the RVT and the dyn for some test. But I got your point so no worries