Purge cad lines

Is there a good way to purge cad lines in a model while still being able to tell if they are being used or not? I have a million imported cad lines and want to purge unused (in mass) but dont know if that is even possible using dynamo. please point me in the right direction? Thanks!

I would recommend browsing these forums and google first. I’ve noticed that people are more willing to help out if you’ve put your own effort into something first, as opposed to just copying and pasting what someone else has done.

Now I can tell you from experience, you are not the only one who’s asked this question. I’ve come across many solutions while trying to solve the same problem.

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I was hoping there was a package out there that I didnt know about.

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Thats great, thanks. But I dont have “IMPORT” in most of my line names:

You will have to find a common criteria that you can filter by then. It looks like you are actually wanting to delete line styles.

Is there a naming convention all CAD line styles share for you?

No, not really, here is a snap shot from inside VG. So these arent CAD lines? What happens if I delete them and they are in use?

they came in per your layer naming,
Eg. “E-LITE”

If you delete them, I believe it will delete the corresponding instances of the line style. But it could just replace. I am not sure. I don’t have a lot of experience with exploded CAD files because I avoid doing that in a project ever.

Perhaps someone else has some experience with this on here?

Revit wont delete the line (Looks like): https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/revit-how-deletepurge-unused-line-styles-sandip-more

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does beaker work in revit 2015? Mine is not working. Also, can you make it take a list of elements?

Hi @mix

Have you tried using free addin “PurgeCadPatterns” it works for Revit 2015 https://apps.autodesk.com/RVT/en/Detail/Index?id=3092292587876076136&appLang=en&os=Win32_64

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Looking at that picture, those are sub-categories associated within your families. They are not line patterns, which everyone else is thinking you’re trying to delete.

Since I am also new to Dynamo, I do not have a solution, But maybe one of the previous posters have an idea.

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This is much simpler than the script I built last year. Switching over!