Propertyset name select

hi, I want to select an object with the items entered in propertieset. For example, if you have a property value of A, is it possible to execute a command to select all solid objects with a value of A by executing the dynamo? I want to select only solid objects with a value of A and copy them to another drawing.

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

I am not sure I quite understand what you’re asking but I think you want to look at the properties first and then filter them based on some criteria?

If that’s what you’re trying to do then you can get a list of your elements and use the Element.GetParameterValue node to find the parameter values.
Then use a Filter by Bool mask to filter.

I want to select an object with the items entered in propertieset. For example, if you have a property value of A, is it possible to execute a command to select all objects with a value of A by running Dynamo?


I’d get all your objects and look for that parameter.
Then I’d filter the outputs that match value A using a bool mask.

This is Civil 3D, so things are a bit different. :wink:

@kimjiwon this should help you out:

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Thanks to you, I solved it!

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