Hi everyone.
I am approaching the subject of creating property sets directly in Dynamo.
Using the C3D Toolkit package, PropertySetsExtentions, I was able to create 4 PropertySetsDefinitions, each with the same list of properties, to associate with 4 different elements of my model (elements A, B and C, are single solids, element D is a moltitude of solids).
For each element there will be different property values.
This part of the graph seems to work, in fact property sets are created and it is also possible to associate them with solids extracted from my corridor.
Next, I select from the drawing the solids to which I want to associate the property sets. In addition, via the Object.AddPropertySet node, the graph correctly assigns the corresponding property sets to all solids.
Then, I use the PropertySetsExtensions.SetPropertyValueByName node to assign values to properties contained in the property sets already assigned, and this works when the single property set to be updated refers to a single solid.
The problem arises when I want to associate PropertyValues to the properties contained in the already associated property sets of Element D, that is 999 solids. No matter how I set the lacing, I never get what I need, which is that each solid has the same property set, with the same properties, and each property a different value within the same solid but not the same element (Element D).
So, I thought there might be a way to define the property values along with the definition of the property sets, but I can’t do it.
Can anyone suggest a solution?