Profile views stack when creating from multiple alignments

I’m trying to create a profile view for multiple alignments. The script runs ok but when they are created they stack on top of each other. Is there a way to stagger or offset the result.

Create profile view for all alignments.dyn (20.1 KB)

It looks like for the insertpoint input of the node, you only have one point input from the Pick Point node. You will need to input a list of different points to insert the profile views in the arrangement that you would like. One way to get that stack you’re looking for is below. You still select one point but then a list of multiple points are generated for placement based on the amount of alignments you have. The offset distance can also be adjusted as needed.


That worked perfectly, thanks very much for your help with that.


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Hi, can you help me? I can’t find ‘Offset Distance’ in my library.

It’s a number/integer slider that Omar renamed to Offset distance to explain it’s action.


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