I am creating a cross section from an excel file which has a unit of millimetres which will be placed on a reference line created by UTM coordinate reference.
Here is the example of point reference.
This require to set a geometry scaling to extra large, the it causing a problem to my cross section the polycurve.bypoint can not be create on extra large scale. Is there an solution to this?
First up: What are your units? Note that Revit has a 20 mile limit for performance and geometry reliability, and you’re apt to exceed that as your sample X value is 3,832 miles if you’re in mm and my math is right. I recommend addressing this first and foremost.
For the specifics if your issue, leave the geometry scaling on medium and you are likely going to be fine in the Dynamo context. All bets are off when you transition to Revit though.
I have set the project unit in Revit to be meters

The cross section in my excel is in millimeters so after import to Dynamo I divided by 1000 to make it in meters.

On reference line is in meters GIS coordinate which dynamo is giving me a warning that I need to use extra large scaling.

I am trying to create a solid from this cross section and put it on this reference line.
But, with this extra large scaling I can not create a complete cross section.
Ok - what is the largest X or Y value in meters? Keeping all your data inside 20 miles of the internal origin is advisable here.
Likely leaving things on medium and ignoring the geometry scaling warning is your best bet.
I just find a solution, I make the 3D in dynamo origin 0,0,0 and specify the coordinate on survey point to follow the GIS. Thanks.