I would like to visualize a line represented by points in Revit by reading a CSV file.
I can see that the line (nurbs) is created in Dynamo.
However, I cannot see anything on Revit side.
What could be the reason of this? Could this be related to “Geometry Scaling” and “Number Format” in Dynamo?
I tried all options in “Geometry Scaling” part:
Only “Extra Large” option works but no line is created. Other options provides the following warning:
“Warning: Your inputs lie outside of the allowable modeling range, consider choosing the Large setting with a modeling range between 0.01 and 100,000,000 from the “Settings => Geometry Working Range” dialog”
Can you show us images of your data, your graph, and what you’re trying to do? Do your units match? Is the curve being created in Revit? Is it way outside the bounds of your project? There are plenty of potential culprits here but we need more information.
Leave the geometry scaling on medium and ignore the warning.
If you want to shift the to a Revit element you’ll have to keep it as a planar curve or otherwise consider what type of element t this would be in the Revit UI.
If you are trying to preview the Dynamo geometry you may want to try identifying where the object is in 3D space by creating a family instance at the start and end point, or an instance at the origin and confirming that is at your expected 0,0,0 point in the project. I am wondering if the issue is due to your coordinate systems not aligning between the project and the CSV.
The coordinates are the X,Y,Z coordinates of my corridor object in Civil 3D. I would like to create a Revit family (tunnel section) and combine it with these coordinates in order to have a tunnel.
In a Revit project, I can use “Import Shared Coordinates from XML” and have the same coordinate system similar to my Civil 3D. However, in family modelling this coordinate import is not available. So I do not know how to match the coordinates of my Civil 3D and family environment.
I can see that the line is create in Dynamo. But no line in the Revit Family Editor.
If you are working in the family editor, why not generate it as an adaptive family so you can just update the profile points in the project? Points can be every 10m or whatever in the family, then set the location in the project by creating the adaptive instance at the desired coordinates.
Whichever way you go you will need to transform the coordinates to refer to the project origin. Have a search on the forum around converting to project internal coordinates and see where that gets you. I believe there are nodes for this in Genius Loci.
Keep Dynamo’s scaling to medium all the way through regardless, and watch for the Revit geometry limits of 22 miles from the origin.