Problem placing 2 point adaptive family

i am facing follwing problem:

  1. family 2 point adaptive (adaptive points 1 & 2)
  2. points on curve sorted 2 by 2 ascending = correct order
  3. error message Warning:AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints failed.
    "The arguments have issues"
    versions: Dynamo Core Dynamo Revit
    here the related pics


    the path with points created:


seems to be a list issue here.
Try to take the L2 of the points input like that:

If that doesnt work try to use Flatten between List.Chop and AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.

no definitely not!
pls have a look at the nodes used, there is no list manipulation available for list.chop
flattening is exactly what the source was.
a flat list of 40 pts.
list.chop split this list in 20 lists of 2 pts
2 pts is exactly the amount of pts needed for the adaptive family

I dont mean the same as you do.
You have 3 List Levels @L3 @L2 and @L1 (thats one level too much in my opinion)
My suggestion would be to either remove one List Level with Flatten or at the Node “AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints” at the “Points” Input use the Level @L2 (as it is done at my screenshot)

Are you placing these in a Revit project or in the massing/family/adaptive environment?

It is a Revit project.
For now I solved my problem with a custom python node.
But I am still wondering why the ootb node fails

Did you try setting the points to @L2 as was recommended above?

jacob, as shown in above picture i am using list chop on a 1 level list. in my understanding @RedRai’s reply followed the wrong track.
i need @L3 for creating a series of 2 point adaptive components.
here to proof:
list of points

chopped list

feeding the chopped list in a python node did the job for me without any changes to structure.

Q: in my understanding the sublistelements List[0] and List[1] are used as adapative point[1] and adaptive point[2] in the AdaptiveComponents.ByPoints node. right?

flattening the chopped list will result in a ungrouped list of all points

Try a node from the Springs package named " Spring List.Subpairs" instead of List Chop , and tell me how it goes…

This worked for me (I thought your had another depth in your list so I got a bit turned around)…

However, that might not be what you’re after:

This may work be what you’re after:

unfortunately none of the solutions suggested is working.
is it possible that the node has problems with nested adaptive components?

  • in my case it is 4 families in one?

Hasn’t been an issue for me. Can you share the family?

LRP-01.rfa (536 KB)
the idea was to place profile along a path
take profiles and path
extrude and import to revit.
unfortunately this workflow (300+ profiles with path length 10 km ) turns out to be not feasible for revit.
node “solid.byloft” gives errors for huge data. only works for +/- 50 profiles.

I’m able to place 2503 of these on a nurbs curve path without issue.

This looks like you’re trying to build a tunnel, but I am a bit lost as to why you’ve built the family in this way. Why not have the adaptive family drive the geometry?

Sorry for not beeing precise. Placing was not the problem.
Dynamo failed extending the profiles.
That did work on your side?

I can’t manage to collect any of them, even small groups. Perhaps due to the nesting.

Why not use the adaptive as the solid?

that for my side was an easy task.

from here i tried to create one sweep for all profiles with the solid.byloft node.
this is where i failed again.
i found already that there might be a problem with polycurves used Sweep Performance?

to answer your question: basically i thought it were more easy to achive what i want with

  • placement of profiles,
  • then adjust them (typewise)
  • change parameters
  • create a sweep
  • import solid to revit

now i will give another family approach a try -> creating the volume in a family

I was trying the same thing a couple of weeks ago.
This helped me a lot:

yes, that one definitely explains the basics of geometry transformation / creation perfectly!

To clarify my point: in the massing environment place a point along your spline at each profile change, then set the profile one the resulting work plane, and loft accordingly. Result is one solid.