Primer - Editing (exercise 8.3) missing Info?

Hi all!

In ran into this issue while studying Prime exercise 8.3 (“Dynamo for Revit - Editing”):

The nodes’ Lacing “Element.SetParameterByName” should be set up to Longest to attain the exercise objective. In the exercise description there is no reference (as far as I noticed) to this important detail, which restricts the results to the first variable of the code bloc (in this case “BldgWidth” and “DblSkin_SouthOffset”).

The pictures also don’t show the II\ symbol.–> maybe because that time the earlier Dynamo version was not supposed to show it? :thinking:

Link to the exercise:

Happy learning!

Hi @JFK what version of Dynamo are you in?

Hi there @Michael_Kirschner2, I am currently using Dynamo Core and Revit