Preview doesn't show at Dynamo Nodes

Recently , i m using 2 PC which is from Office PC and My Personal PC .
I use the same dynamo version in capture below. But the office pc shows the result of nodes but it doesn’t show at my personal PC.

Can someone advise on that issue ? Any specific settings are required to change ?
Appreciate in advanced.


Hi @Chicharito

Are you able to see library of nodes on your left?

Notice the lack of library and file menu - you’ve likely got a CEF conflict here.

Make sure that Revit is up to date, and see if that fixes the issue. If not, remove all add-ins and try again.

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Yes, there is a library of nodes on the left.

Hi @jacob.small
Thanks for your advise . But it doesn’t fix the issue in either way.

Recently i hv installed most latest update.

And I removed all package add-in as well as not fix the issue yet.

You have a library now, so we fixed that at least. Can you show what happens if you hover the node?

@Chicharito Could you confirm is your preview bubble is checked?


Thanks you, it is solved… i was so reckless to check the setting out. :sweat_smile:

thanks you @jacob.small.:sweat_smile:

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