Porblems finding imported/linked .dwg in Revit

I have problems finding the .dwg I’ve imported. I also tried to link it, without further luck. I have tranformed the .dwg so it has the same coordinates as my model, it should end up in the same place. I have checked the manage links function and the .dwg is there somewhere…Could use some help

I trying to do this: https://bimstallatie.sites.google.com/site/bimstallatie/dynamo/room-creation-with-dwg-import

When you Import or Link the DWG in Revit, it doesn’t show up in the View? So this is a Revit problem not a Dynamo one?

I’d start by checking the scale of the DWG. What does one unit represent in AutoCAD, and what settings are you using in the Revit Import / Link dialog?