Polygon by center point radius angle

Does anyone have a node for creating a polygon by center point radius angle? OR. basically what I want is to use that like the arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle but be able to control it like a polygon so I can have hex, octogon, dodecahedrons, etc… So if there’s another way.

So lets say for instance a stadium isn’t made up of perfect curves, its made up of segments of rows of seating. So arc.ByCenter…doesn’t really help me achieve anything but a “look and feel” but not practical enough to start applying seating do because in reality it would be wrong.


Sounds like the Regular Polygon node should satisfy you…

To some degree it does. I want to be able to section it off. I don’t need it to go around 360deg in a circle. I just need 180deg usually.

Do you mean something like this

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Yes. Thanks Thomas!


The Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle approach can be extended a little to obtain the desired result …

polycurve.dyn (8.0 KB)

Vikram, I think inititally what you did there is what I was trying to do. The next trick I’m working on is changing the polygon so each individual side is not the same, so it wouldn’t be a perfect penta, hex, octo, etc…

Question for Thomas. is this ptBase (top) a custom node?

@Ryan_Cameron I think he has renamed these nodes:

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Unequal segments? Just change the parameters

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@Ryan_Cameron All the nodes used are out-of-the-box
The one you circled is indeed Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates, the four ptCorner nodes are all List.DropItems node to generate arrays for each corner of the polygon array. List.Combine should now be pretty much self explanatory.

@Vikram_Subbaiah solution might be worth pursuing since you can explode the poly curves and use the startpoint/endpoint of the lines to generate the polygons. Just remember to change the sequence syntax to read 0…1…#seg+1 otherwise you’ll end up with 1 less segment than expected!

Thank again, you all have been a huge help! For the life of me, which math node did you use here for the step? I thought it was + but either it isn’t or I have something else wrong. It all functions except for this node for me…

@Ryan_Cameron nope…step is the ‘division’…which answers the question; its the Division node from the Math library.

This looks similar to my issue. Does anybody know how to add seating?

I have some similar files, but cannot seem to make it work.

Can anybody, please help?: