Polycurve with offset around the slab

What is wrong? I’m trying to make a polycurve with an offset around the slab, and then extrude that piece.
I made the polycurve, extended the corners, but I need to trim the abutments. And it doesn’t work. Then I want to extrude it too. What is wrong?

Build the polycirve from the perimeter curves, and offset that instead. Should be able to run from there without issue.


And try using PolyCurve.ByGroupedCurves too :slight_smile:


I keep doing something wrong. What would it be? @jacob.small @solamour

Sol is getting some well deserved time with the family, but I’ll help out as I can.

Your select face should return a surface, not a polysurface. So from there:

PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves or PloyCurve.ByGroupedCurves depending on your data set.

If it doesn’t work, expand the data previews so we can see what results you have along the way, and take the screenshot with the warning expanded. We can weigh in from there.

Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to help me, even though you’re with your family.
Follows the error and the whole routine. I believe that it is no longer necessary to extend the curve after using the GroupedCurve, however the error still persists.

@solamour @jacob.small

@staylor , good morning. Could you kindly help me?

Please post a Revit file to test on with one slab in it, and your current dyn and I’ll poke my head in today.

Is this what you are after

It actually didn’t work for me. What I need is, as in the image below, make this cutout in the ceiling, that is, make a 10cm indentation in the slab and cut it. But I’ve tried with a family of empty spaces, offset + cut and nothing.
download (3)(1)

I don’t have time today (nor likely tomorrow), but this is still sitting out there… waiting for a pair of files…

Follow trial files.

forum.rvt (7.1 MB)
Junta.dyn (62.9 KB)
Juntaforum.dyn (54.1 KB)

Hi @cintiamiranda21 havent tried your files…is it an already existing ceiling you want cutout our will you create the ceiling ? ok i have take a look is there any reason for the ceiling is categori roof?..not sure how about something here…

testceil.dyn (26.8 KB)

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No, not for any reason, even your solution would be much better, already making the ceiling with the cutout, however I need to look for the face of my floor to use and with me here, selecting the face of my floor, your routine did not work. Reports the error; Dereferencing a non-pointer
But your solution would be perfect. Do you know how I can use non-structural floor face selection and give this sequence?

could you show an image with that ? as here… i select the floor element as actuelly is a structural foundation in your rvt…and yes it could be a floor will you make that to a floor ?..

You can easy do it with select faces i just select all elements and filter for in this case structural foundation,strange have just test again works fine, but change a==-1 to a==1 in the codeblock after vector z…

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It looks like the script that @sovitek has is doing a true gap between the ceiling and the wall and not a recessed notch like you previously were looking in the post below.

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Hi Samuel yes thats how i understand it, but not sure, arhhh yeah thats another post

Oh yes, true. but this way it already works for me and helps a lot

It’s not even selecting the faces, in fact I have no idea what it could be. With neither of us. It just runs and does not generate results.

Okay. If you can’t get @sovitek script to work, then the course of action I posted in the previous thread should work.

You can get the compound edges of the existing ceiling. Make a polycurve from the horizontal edges. Offset the polycurve inward whatever distance you want the joint to be. Get the ceiling type and level of the existing ceiling and create a duplicate ceiling from the new polycurve and then delete the existing ceiling. There will be a true gap between the ceiling and the wall and not a recessed joint or reveal. So that’s why I asked.

Actually saved my test script from last time. The existing ceiling would be your selected element.

Add Joint to Ceiling.dyn (23.0 KB)